google font pairings

My top 15 free Google Font Pairings for your Website

May 8, 2024

Here are some free Google Fonts pairings that I really love. Enjoy! You can download them from

Arapey and Lato

Gowun Batang and Average Sans

Italiana and Work Sans

Prata and Farro

Rufina and Bellota Text

MuseoModerno and Lato

Praise and Abel

Alegreya Sans and Montserrat

Elsie and Alata

Tenor Sans and Waterfall

Oswald and Fraunces

Lora and Cinzel

Encode Sans and Oooh Baby

Sacramento and Mulish

Forum and Josefin Sans

How to download Google Fonts for your website

If you want to learn more about how to integrate your Google Fonts (in a GDPR-compliant way) on your Showit website, please read this blog post.

Interested in learning how to make your website images stay in place, no matter the screen size? Read this blog post.

Interested in learning how to create a photo gallery in Showit? Read this blog post.

Interested in learning how to create a mobile navigation in Showit? Read this blog post.

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