A gallery of mixed images in Showit.

How to create a Gallery in Showit

April 17, 2024

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What is a gallery?

A gallery is a certain way of displaying your images. If you don’t just want to display one image at a time but several images that are moving, too, the gallery feature in Showit is very useful. A gallery looks something like the following:

How to create a gallery

Creating a gallery in Showit is very simple. First, click on the 3 dots next to the page name, add a blank canvas, and name it “Gallery”:

At the bottom, go to the picture frame icon and choose “Gallery”:

A black box will appear:

Double click it to bring up the Media Library. Drag all the images you want for your gallery to the right hand side, and click on the blue SAVE button:

Now that you have your basic it’s time for the fine tuning of your gallery.

Choosing the type of gallery

By clicking on your gallery and choosing the “Type” option, Showit lets you choose which type of gallery you want, as well as the amount of columns:

If you want your gallery to span all the way from the left to the right, no matter the viewer’s screen size, don’t forget to go to “Size & Position” and choose this type of horizontal locking:

Image settings

Staying in the GALLERY SETTINGS you can also change the IMAGE SETTINGS. If you want some space in between your images, add some padding. If you want a border around your images, click “Enable Border”, choose the border width, border colour, and border shape:

Grow with content

As you can see in the image above, the images are cut off at the bottom. You obviously don’t want that for your website. So, what you can do is click an the background canvas and choose “Grow with content” for the canvas type:

This will ensure that the canvas will grow in size according to the amount of images I will put on it, so every single image will be visible.

And there you go, your gallery is finished! Don’t forget to tweak the settings to make your gallery look amazing on the mobile version as well.

Wanna learn more about Showit? How about one of these blog posts:

How to create a Mobile Navigation in Showit

Basic Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) for your Showit Website

Why you need a 404 Error Page and how to create one in Showit

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